My version supports sample player firmware V2017/2.
Firmware, V2017/2:
Direct link: https://github.com/TomWhitwell/RadioMusic/wiki/Radio-Music-2017-Firmware
Best version of all and useful, especially with my Frequency Shifter.
TUNE: Pitch-shifting 1V/Oct – Tune-CV = ext ctnl-voltages
FILE: Selects a file in folder – File-CV = ext cnl-voltages
REST Button: press to change folder (with in sample files)
Use normal, big SD Card, best is a 2GB card.
I use it for year and it works great!
A text. file on SD card gives you a lot of settings, but pitch shifting is great…. further reading and configuration see link above.
Deep 50mm, 8 hp

RM Sample Player